Idea : Mentoring for Communication and English Language
English is no doubt the word language and is essential for professional success globally. But any people lack English Language Skills. They want to improve but they may practice speaking English when they're alone!! Practice brings fluency in communication. The Expert Mentors can help people improve their English Communication by interacting with them. It’s an old saying “Practice makes a man perfect”. Communication is something which cannot be taught beyond a certain level and needs an environment to practice and improve. Communication does not imply only fluency but also selecting impressive vocabulary. For adopting and using English Language correctly, people need expert Mentors. We are looking for the people having a passion (in addition to have excellent command over written and spoken English) to Mentor the Mentees through Virtual interactions. It may involve a diagnostic interaction with Mentees on a topic and advising them based on the findings. We are looking for Mentors for both personal and professional communication. The retired teachers/corporate/interested individuals with an inclination for Mentorship are welcome.
Idea : Research Mentoring
Looking for the Academicians with strong Research publications background to Mentor the budding Research Scholars! We want to help the budding academicians in writing the world-class research papers. We are looking for the people having a good number of publications in referred journals of International repute. The prospective mentors will guide the prospective mentees to developing their research skills. Looking for the Research Mentors in the areas of Management, Law, Engineering, Social sciences and others. For registrations, please visit
Idea : Mentoring for professional students
Do you feel excited to share your hard-earned experience and expertise with the young minds in a short-term module? We are looking forward to partner with legends to add value to the learning of the students pursuing professional courses in Engineering, Management, and Law. MENTit team shall work closely with partners to develop the case studies based on the experiences of these legends. These case studies shall also help to create a Road Map for the young corporate executive to handle some very critical corporate issues in future. For further details and discussions, please visit
Idea : Developing short courses for corporate professionals
We are looking for experienced partners (Senior corporate executives, both: working and retired) to develop short term (5-10 hours each) courses and sessions on new and upcoming disruptive concepts emerging in the areas of HRM, Finance, Marketing, Operations, Retail, Banking, and others. The purpose is to train the junior, middle and senior level corporate executive to work confidently in the changing global business environment. The modules /courses shall be developed by our core technical team in consultation with the partners, who will be the Course Directors. Our core team shall in consultation develop the modules with Audio/Video/Case-Studies/Short Stories and other contents. Corporate professionals in middle and higher-level positions shall help to develop the modules based on their experience of handling the critical issues during their corporate journey. We will prefer to have retired corporate legends with interest in training and development. We will use revenue sharing model.
Idea : Getting mentors for Institutions
Are you looking for the Industry Mentors for the Summer Internship of your students? Summer internship is the milestone in the successful career of the students pursuing higher education. We are looking forward to partner with the Institutions to enable them to connect their students with the Industry Mentors as per their interests and specializations. This will help the students to discuss and decide their future career based on their personal interest, competencies and skills, and also support the students in developing employability skills and expanding their network. Please visit: an innovative platform to connect Mentors and Mentees. Please share your contact number to discuss further. Email:
Idea : Mentoring for management students
Looking for Mentors for the Management student, those joining their internship in the coming summer. The summer internship is one of the important milestones shaping the management students’ career. We connect management students with the Industry mentors. Mentoring is a very professional and rewarding relationship for both Mentor and Mentee. In addition, the retired industry legends are always welcome to become the torch-bearers for the next generation. Mentoring can be virtual or in-person. Experts in all areas and fields are welcome!!
Idea : Mentoring through Painting and Art
Let us be a Mentor to help young minds with a sacred heart to draw their thoughts and creativity on a CANVAS. It will help them to improve their Concentration and bring happiness. Young minds are always curious. The reasons of curiosity are many. One reason can be related to knowing their present surroundings, and another can be related to their future. There is no dearth of talent, irrespective of a child is born into a rich or poor family. The only difference is the extent of their personal exploration of their potential. Getting birth in a rich family is not a guarantee of success for the child. Eventually, effective parenting means nurturing all the relevant skills to infuse the confidence in children to make them a good human being personally and professionally. Mentors who are good at painting, art and craft can help children converting their thoughts and creativity into painting and art in a CANVAS. Lets us know if you are one of them.
Idea : Mentoring for School students
Secondary to senior secondary or middle to high school is the transition period when the youngsters have a number of doubts and curiosity about their future. These ambitious minds want someone learned and experienced to accompany their journey for the next two years as Mentors (virtually). The MENTORS can play the role of a Friend, A Guide, A Teacher and a Role Model. The support of a Person as a Mentor may help millions of Young minds to engage in a focused study, effective learning, and acquire required career skills. An individual can work as a Mentor for a number of students and can help them in shaping their career. The entire exercise is virtual and does not need a physical presence. It’s rewarding for Mentors, both; financially as well mentally. Explore more in MENTit:
Why Mentoring ?
Srikanth Pillai (name changed) completed his B.Tech (Biotechnology) from Navi Mumbai’s South Indian Education Society (SIES) College of Engineering some years ago. After being unsuccessful in obtaining an engineering job after one year of trial, he began preparations for the bank probationary officers’ exam. Today, he is a qualified engineer, but works in a non-technical field, in a bank in a rural area in India. His parents spent a huge amount of money on his B.Tech education. This expenditure could be saved had Srikanth already found his skills and competencies as a future engineer before enrolling in the engineering course. (Source: A leading Indian newspaper, published online in April 2017) This is the story of Millions of unexplored and underutilized minds across the globe, but because of the lack of mentorship, they are unable to explore their full potential. We can’t sit idle as we are also not immune to the outcome. This results in the increased crime by the Educated unemployed or under-employed Youth. We want to help them find a mentor who could understand their situation, evaluate and support them to do best in their personal and / or professional life as per their interest and capabilities. Join us in this initiative as a mentor/leader/partner with MENTit.