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{{eachFilter.title}} x


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Mentit profile of {{eachMentor.fname}} {{eachMentor.lname}} Mentit profile of {{eachMentor.fname}} {{eachMentor.lname}}
{{eachMentor.avg_rating}} {{eachMentor.rating_count}} Reviews
{{eachMentor.avg_rating}} {{eachMentor.rating_count}} Review
USD {{eachMentor.mentor_fee[0].fees_per_hour}} ( {{eachMentor.mentor_fee[0].fees_per_hour * floatValue}} INR)
After the initial hour, mentor and mentee can also co-decide the fee based on milestones.

Virtual In-person In-person / Virtual
{{eachMentor.salutation}} {{eachMentor.fname}} {{eachMentor.lname}} - {{eachMentor.country_name}}
Picked badge


{{eachMentor.about_yourself| limitTo :150}}..

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Page : {{pagevalue}}

Meet Some of Our Experts Mentors

Mentorship Description and need of the mentorship in everyone's life.