To do anything, a person needs to be motivated. Motivation is required to push a person to put in effort in whatever they are doing. If a person is not motivated, they will not enjoy what they are doing and hence the results will be highly affected because of this.
There are many people, who despite not having proper opportunities made it big. One of the reasons behind that is they were motivated enough to work really hard for what they wanted. One such person is David Ogilvy.
David Ogilvy is one of those people who have made their name in the world of advertising. David Ogilvy was the founder of Ogilvy and Mather advertising agency, situated in Britain. He was very well known for his great achievements in creative copy and campaign themes.
Ogilvy came from a background of low financial resources. He was the son of a classics scholar and broker. He was a very good student and got a few scholarships for further studies. David Ogilvy earned scholarships to Fettes College, Edinburgh, and also Christ Church, Oxford. Although he joined Oxford, he later opted out in the year 19631.
His journey in being an advertising head was not easy. He went to Paris after leaving Oxford. There he started working at the exclusive Hotel Majestic as a Chef’s apprentice. That was where David met Monsieur Pitard, a head Chef. Pitard inspired David very much. He is the one who helped David form his principles on management.
There is an incident related to Monsieur Pitard, who once fired a junior chief as the latter could not raise his bread properly. This act, though considered ruthless, gave other chiefs working there a realization that they were indeed working in one of the world’s best kitchens.
A year later, David Ogilvy returned back to England. After his return, he supported himself by working as a door-to-door cooking stoves seller. He was so brilliant at his job, that the other salesmen asked him to write a guide manual for reference. Then his brother Frances helped him acquire a position at Mather & Crowley.
In 1938, Mathew & Crowley sent David to America to study more about American advertising methods. And after a year, David resigned from Mathew & Crowley and joined George Gallup. In his book ‘Confessions of An Advertising Man’ David mentioned that working for George Gallup was one of his best decisions. The techniques, methods, and knowledge that he gained there were one of the reasons for his success.
During the Second World War, David worked for the British Intelligence in the United States. And later served as the second secretary at the British Embassy. After the World War was over, David and his wife moved to Lancaster, where he tried farming. Farming did not earn him enough so he moved back to advertising.
So, in 1948 he joined Mathew $ Crowley again. Under David’s leadership, the company was attracting many renowned clients and was very successful. The company later was known as Ogilvy & Mather. David Ogilvy laid down many important rules for the advertising industry. And his hard work paid off.
No matter what obstacles a person faces, they should always motivate themselves to work hard, because hard work eventually shows results. From David Ogilvy’s life, we learn many things, but one of the most important things is that he was always motivated. There were hard times, but he motivated himself to work for what he desired.
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