Turn input into impact with an AI-led marketing strategy

By Author: Mr. TEAM MENTit (MENTit Both)
Affiliation: MENTit

AI can assist marketers in better understanding their target consumers and making more timely decisions that are well-informed


Changing how we engage: Engaging authentically with precision


Marketers have always been crucial in unlocking development opportunities. The desire for a positive, genuine connection has never been higher than it is right now. CMOS can help firms become more reflective, responsive, and relevant by leading the shift. Periods of disruption have a silver lining in that they allow enterprises to change things up and emerge better.

Key takeaways of AI:

  • Enabling enlightenment 
  • Empowering decisive action
  • Engaging authentically


When dealing with a large audience of millions of people, each at a different stage of the purchase process, determining which action will have the most influence on anyone consumer becomes extremely difficult. Knowing that AI is working in the background removes the guesswork, allowing marketers to be more responsive and effective. Marketers may make quick decisions based on this context and evidence-based recommendations, , marketers can select the suitable answer fast and give a positive experience. For instance, perhaps the time has come to plan an event and determine who should be invited, or whether a new email campaign should be launched.


  • Customers, especially these days, expect true connections with their brands and experiences that feel real and empathic.
  • AI can assist brands in cutting through the clutter and creating inclusive, authentic interactions.
  • Companies can design advertising that allows customers to connect with chatbots, chatbots, and apps in addition to chatbots, chatbots, and apps.
  • IBM Watson's machine learning and natural language capabilities enable one-on-one conversations with customers in real-time.
  • Thousands of people saw the ad and spent an average of over a minute watching Behr-branded content.


To improve the number of individuals who view and hear advertisements, IBM Watson Watson Advertising Accelerator is being employed. In just three weeks, IBM discovered that Accelerator increased the rate of client app installations by three times. Organizations employing Watson have witnessed a minimum of a 25% increase in revenue since the solution's debut in January.


Digital transformation is an inflection point—and CMOs can lead the way. With the help of AI, marketers can turn digital leadership into customer leadership and help ensure key voices are heard. Here’s what marketers need to do now:


1)Start with a goal and work your way up.

  • Make a list of the results you want to attain.
  • Establish a starting point.
  • Create clever processes.


2) Promote a learning-oriented, agile culture.

  • Be open and honest.
  • Ascertain that the inputs are as vital as the outputs.
  • Support a 360-degree view of the customer.


3)Create a solid, trustworthy foundation.

  •  Prioritize responsiveness, adaptability, and continuous iteration.
  • Create a self-assured team.
  • Encourage a culture of risk-taking.




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